Environmental Policy


At Icelandic Roamers, we recognize that Iceland is not only our common home but also a treasure trove of natural wonders and ecological diversity. We are deeply committed to fostering sustainable tourism practices and environmental stewardship in Iceland.

As an integral part of the Icelandic community, we recognize our responsibility to act with integrity and minimize our impact on the local environment. The team brings together people who share similar views, values and goals, in a collective effort to make our common home a better place – to visit, and to live in. 

Our environmental policy embodies our unwavering dedication to sustainable practices, innovation, responsible guardianship of Iceland’s natural resources and continuous improvement.

1. Compliance with Regulations

Icelandic Roamers pledges to not only comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and standards governing our operations but also exceed them whenever possible. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of environmental responsibility and accountability, setting a benchmark for sustainable tourism practices in Iceland.

2. Resource Conservation

  • As custodians of Iceland’s natural beauty, we recognize the importance of conserving precious resources such as water, energy, and raw materials. To this end, we are committed to conserving these vital resources.
  • Adopting sustainable practices, we aim to reduce our consumption, as well as to minimize waste generation and our ecological footprint.
  • We prioritize the use of recycled materials in our operations as much as possible. Through these efforts, we strive to safeguard Iceland’s natural heritage for future generations while promoting responsible management of our planet’s resources.

3. Thoughtful Tour Management

  • With a commitment to enhance guest experiences and reduce environmental impact, Icelandic Roamers limit group sizes to a maximum of ten individuals per guide. This deliberate choice not only ensures personalized attention for each guest but also minimizes our environmental footprint, also as a result of reduced amount of waste left after each trip.
  •  By traversing Iceland’s landscapes in smaller groups, we mitigate disruption to delicate ecosystems, preserving their innate integrity and allowing guests to forge deeper connections with nature. Our itinerary planning process prioritizes reduced driving time and considers significant environmental impacts, such as irreparable damage to local ecosystems.

4. Strategic Vehicle Choice, its Optimal Usage and Maintenance

  • We take a thoughtful approach to managing our vehicles, recognizing their significant impact on our environmental footprint. Our commitment to sustainability extends from the initial selection process to ongoing usage and meticulous maintenance.
  • Moreover, we emphasize the importance of vehicle ownership over rentals. Maintaining our own fleet gives us greater control over vehicle maintenance and usage, allowing us to implement sustainable practices more effectively. What is more, by reducing reliance on external rental services we minimize transportation-related emissions associated with vehicle delivery and collection.
  • Education is a cornerstone of our approach to eco-friendly driving. We provide comprehensive training to our guides, equipping them with knowledge on efficient driving techniques, such as maintaining steady speeds, minimizing idling, and avoiding abrupt acceleration and braking. These practices not only reduce fuel consumption but also contribute to safer and smoother journeys for our guests.
  • Our fleet undergoes regular maintenance and thorough inspections to ensure optimal performance and adherence to stringent environmental regulations. Regular inspections and servicing are conducted to ensure optimal performance and minimize emissions.  
  • By caring for our vehicles meticulously, we extend their lifespan, reducing the need for premature replacements and conserving valuable resources.
  • In implementing these measures, we recognize that every small action contributes to a larger environmental impact. By focusing on sustainability in our vehicle selection, usage, and maintenance practices, we affirm our dedication to preserving the natural beauty of Iceland and promoting responsible tourism. 

5. Educating Guests on Best Environmental Care Practices

  • At Icelandic Roamers, our knowledgeable guides play a pivotal role in enlightening guests about their environmental impact and advocating for responsible travel practices. We provide guests with information on environmental policies and best practices through our website, social media posts, and on-site discussions. 
  • During each tour, through immersive storytelling and interactive experiences, we strive to cultivate a deeper understanding of the delicate balance within Iceland’s ecosystems. 
  • Prior to visiting new areas, guides inform guests about appropriate conduct, waste management, and conservation efforts.
  • As stewards of the environment, we strive to inspire others to adopt similar practices and embrace the universal truth that sustainable choices today pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.
  • We encourage guests to The Icelandic Pledge

6. Support for Local Businesses and Suppliers

Central to our sustainability ethos is our unwavering support for local communities and businesses. We prioritize the utilization of locally sourced products and services, thereby reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation and bolstering the economic resilience of rural areas. 

  • Our supplies, equipment, and meals are carefully selected and come from local businesses whenever possible, minimizing reliance on imported goods and supporting community sustainability. From collaborating with family-owned farms to procuring artisanal goods from indigenous craftsmen, we celebrate Iceland’s rich cultural heritage while championing environmental stewardship through conscious consumption.
  • When assessing new suppliers or negotiating terms with existing ones, we carefully select partners with good environmental policies and practices.

7. Waste Reduction and Recycling

  • Embracing a philosophy of waste reduction and resource conservation, Icelandic Roamers is steadfast in promoting recycling initiatives across all facets of our operations. 
  • Equipped with comprehensive training, our tour guides diligently segregate waste collected during trips, ensuring proper sorting and disposal in alignment with local regulations.  What is more, the guides encourage guests to recycle and minimize waste during tours, providing information on recycling options and responsible waste management practices.
  • We also educate our guests on famously clear and pure Icelandic drinking water, encouraging them to give up on buying plastic bottles and choose eco-friendly, reusable bottles that can be filled with potable water at petrol stations, in restaurants and many other tourist places.
  • In addition, on slippery days we provide guests with reusable crampons, a testament to our commitment to minimizing single-use waste and fostering responsible consumption habits among travelers.

8. Sustainability in Motion: Ongoing Enhancement

  • At Icelandic Roamers, we are unwavering in our pursuit of continual improvement in environmental conservation endeavors. Through regular evaluation of our operations and the adoption of forward-thinking solutions, we constantly strive to adapt to evolving environmental challenges. 
  • We understand that environmental sustainability is not a static goal but a dynamic journey that requires constant vigilance and adaptation. As such, we proactively seek out opportunities for improvement, whether it’s enhancing our waste management strategies, integrating renewable energy solutions, or refining our eco-conscious practices. 
  • By remaining responsive to feedback and open to innovation, we empower ourselves to lead by example and inspire others to join us in our quest for a more sustainable future.

In conclusion, at Icelandic Roamers, environmental stewardship is ingrained in our ethos, guiding every aspect of our operations. Our dedication to sustainable tourism extends beyond mere compliance—it is a fundamental principle that informs our decisions and actions every day.  Together with our guests and partners, we are driving positive change and shape a brighter, greener future for Iceland and the world.